TFL Espresso (2kg)

Perennial  |  Roasted for all methods  |  Cocoa, Walnut, Dates

A creamy body and low acidity, with notes of cocoa, walnut and dates. Works very well in milk.

A crowd-pleasing coffee with a nice creamy body and lower acidity than our other single origin and blended coffee offerings. We find it very easy to work with this espresso and it stands out well in milk drinks.

Various cultivars including Bourbon, Obatã and Mundo Novo are grown at altitudes from 900 to 1,000 metres by around 20 families in the São José do Rio Pardo region of São Paulo state in Brazil. Whole cherries are dried on patio for 12 days before spending 6 to 10 hours in a mechanical dryer to ensure uniform and optimal moisture content before conditioning and homogenising in tulhas (silos) for 15 days. 

We have spent the last couple of years invigorating and revising our Brazilian sourcing program and are very pleased to be working with Ocafi to secure lots which are not only delicious, but chime with our sourcing values and ethos.

Training is provided which makes for safer working conditions as well as career development for both permanent and seasonal employees on Ocafi’s own farms as well as those they partner with to build regional blends. They run in-house training sessions as well as contribute funds and coffee to a local social project called Fazedores de Café in the São Paulo area, which supports young people from socially and economically vulnerable backgrounds to learn barista skills and about the coffee industry.

Via the Mata Atlãntica project, Ocafi are planting thousands of native trees on their own fazendas, to maintain local flora and fauna as well as improve soil health and biodiversity. Purchases of this lot specifically have funded 90 trees being planted on Fazenda Pinheiro, of around 2,000 planted last year. Each farm working with Ocafi maintains a dedicated nature reserve and conservation area. This again goes a long way to support local plant and wildlife. They are also developing agronomical practices such as intercropping and allowing ground cover crops to flourish between rows of coffee trees. They are looking at introducing particular funghi to combat coffee berry borer and to facilitate effective decomposition of organic matter on the ground which will improve and support soil fertility with less reliance on synthetic inputs.

Several partner farms have introduced solar panels and the families living on Ocafi’s own fazendas are able to utilise their own home-produced biofuel, created via the waste produce of the pig farming operations which also produce natural fertilisers to other farms in the area.