Starting The Conversation...
Whether you're thinking about opening a coffeebar, or are an existing cafe or restaurant looking to upgrade the quality of your coffee, we're confident we can help. We don't want to just sell people a few bags of coffee a week, we want to work alongside people who are committed to serving great coffee in their cafe, restaurant or office.
With years of experience as both coffee roasters and retailers, with an in depth understanding of all aspects of the coffee business, we can provide the advice, the contacts, the training — and most importantly, the unwavering quality — to really help make your business stand out.
To start the conversation, send us an email at
Some talking points that'll help get the conversation rolling:
- Are you (or are you planning to be) a cafe, restaurant, office, retail store or something different entirely?
- Whereabouts are you located?
- Are you an existing business, or still in the planning phase?
- How would you describe your current level of coffee-making experience? Beginner? Advanced?
- What kind of weekly coffee volume in kilograms are you (or do you anticipate) using?
We're looking forward to talking to you.